Sunday, March 18, 2007

On the Move!

Trevor John is now 10 1/2 months old and a CUTIE PIE! He's now officially on the move, although not always crawling on his hands and knees...he goes back and forth between his knees and scooting around on his tummy. But he can definitely get from points A to B...and fast! A few of his other "new things" are being able to sign for "more" of something (he's done this a bit earlier than Kaylin did....I think because we live with 15 month-old cousin Danny who models it for him :), pulling up to standing (while holding onto something), and going back and forth between laying down, sitting up, and crawling. He's an active little guy!

A few other fun facts about Trevor.....he LOVES dogs!!! He calls them "duu duu" and gets mad when they go out of sight. He's usually really easy going about food and will eat just about everything (until this week...he's had a fever for about 4 days now and a bit more picky about what we're feeding him. teething???). Trevor LOVES his Mommy!! He's super attached to me (way more than Kaylin ever was...she's always been a bit more of a Daddy's girl) which is kinda fun and kinda frustrating at times. He definitely loves his Daddy too and gets excited when Derek comes home at the end of the day. And no one ever entertains him nearly as well as sissy Kaylin. But when push comes to shove, it's Mommy who always comes out a little ahead. :)

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