Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Trevor Turns TWO!

Yesterday was TJ's 2nd birthday! Happy Birthday Bubba!

Unfortunately, much of the day was spent like the picture below, with fingers in his mouth and very sad because of a sore throat.

He looks pretty happy about his ice cream, but he didn't even want to finish it... which proves he is sick! =)

Here he's trying to put up two fingers to show how old he is

He was pretty excited about his new scooter! Now the little man doesn't have to share his sister's pink scooter.

Now they can both go scootering simultaneously!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Yeah! A Little Gothold Has Arrived!

Huge congrats and love to our dear friends Chris and Kirsten on the birth of their son, Johann Ezekiel Gothold!

Friday, April 18, 2008

While the Moms Are Away...

...the Dads and Kids Will Play!

Amy is away this weekend at a women's retreat. She and many other ladies from our church are enjoying Laguna Beach! She was ready for this get-away and I'm so glad that she gets this chance to connect with Jesus, with the other ladies and just plain gets some down time and time away from our kiddos.

Anyway... while the ladies are gone, some of us dads met at the park for dinner and fun on the playground. It was fun!

Zoe, Isaiah, Elsie and Kaylin (L-R)

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

We're Moving!

In yet another incredible way, God is showing us his amazing faithfulness in always providing for our needs. Although we have felt pretty settled in our Cypress apartment, we had continued to pray for and keep feelers out for a housing situation closer to our church community because it is our desire to use our house for ministry and hospitality of all kinds. In order to be able to afford living in a single-family home in La Mirada or Whittier, we were asking God to provide a unique situation where we would be able to rent for less than the going rate.

Well, as Ephesians 3:20 says, God “is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.” Through a good friend at Talbot, God led us to a unique situation where we will be able to rent a very large home for only a little more than we are currently paying for rent. The house is in Whittier (5 minutes from our church), it provides much more space for our family, and it allows us to live in closer proximity to our church community. In addition, we are incredibly blessed and excited to report that it has great entertaining spaces including a recreation room with pool table, a patio and barbeque area, and a pool! How cool is that for a Young Adults Pastor and his family!

We look forward to using this home that God has provided to love others and glorify Him! We’ll move in late April. Although we are really excited about the house and thankful for God's provision, we're admittedly not that excited about moving. This will be the 8th place that Amy and I have lived in our almost 9 years of marriage. We would appreciate your prayers because the move comes in the midst of a busy season of ministry and as the semester workload is heating up. Thanks!

It's the one right in the middle of the picture... quiet street, nice neighborhood, very close to a good little school where Kaylin will start Kindergarten in the fall.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

OlsonWeb's 2nd Anniversary!

OlsonWeb recently celebrated it's 2-year anniversary! Well, OK... OlsonWeb didn't actually celebrate and neither did we. I just now realized that we've been blogging for over 2 years.

Anyway, considering that we have been bloggers for that long and that we have also become major blog surfers, I can't believe that I just recently discovered the joys of... Google Reader

Amy and I no longer have to click on link after link, hopping from one blog to another in order to see if anyone has posted anything new lately. Let me interject this -- Although Robyn is back to blogging regularly over at Camp Anderson, this Google Reader thing would have come in handy for when she was pregnant and we would check the blog everyday hoping for something new... but months went by without any new posts! =)

With Google Reader, it's like checking your email. Any new posts show up like new emails... and you can catch up on everybody's news in one place... or click links and go to their blogs.

So... if you already knew about services like Reader, shame on you for not telling us! And if you didn't know, get over there now and set yours up. It only takes a few minutes... you just enter the URL of each blog you like to visit and your subscribed!