Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Sunny SoCal!

We made it safely to our destination! Four crazy long days of packing, loading, driving and unloading... we're pretty tired. And just to make things interesting, our kids are both sick. But we're doing well and glad to be here. Right now we only have limited internet access... so new posts will be less frequent... but I'll get some moving pictures up soon and updates on the transition whenever I can. Peace Out!

Friday, January 19, 2007

My Last Day at Mission Springs

Today is my last day at Mission Springs. I just packed up my desk... feels a bit weird. My family and I will miss our the Mission Springs community - staff, residents, and our church family. My fellow Program staffers put together a very nice going away party for me on Wednesday. There were a few rounds of "Duke Trivia," some sharing, some stories, and some food. I really appreciated it! One of the gifts I received was a memory book with pictures and notes from many people... very cool. Here's the group just after the party...

I'm very thankful for the time I had to serve the Lord on staff here at Mission Springs... and we will truly miss the people here! We also love the many amazing people that have served with us at Frontier Ranch in the past few years. Please keep in touch with us!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Amtrak & the Dentist

Kaylin had a very exciting day yesterday! She rode on a train for the first time and went to the dentist for the first time.

She and Grams rode the train to San Jose where Amy picked Kaylin up. Kaylin was coming home after enjoying 2 nights at Grams & Big Papa's house! When I asked her about the train she said she'd had fun and "then it got to San Jose and that was all."

Thanks for takin' a train ride with me Grams! And thanks for this picture!

Then, Amy took her straight to our dentist's office. After a bit of warming up, she did great! She let both Christine (hygienist) and Dr. Shively look in her mouth. They gave an excellent report that her electric Dora toothbrush (and mommy and daddy) are doing a great job... her 20 teeth looked great!

Monday, January 15, 2007

T.J.'s First Tooth!

Here's our cute boy... Mom spotted his first tooth today! Unlike his sister, cutting it didn't seem to bother him much... we hope that will become a trend. =)

Happy Birthday Avery!

Our niece Avery turned 2 on Saturday and we all had fun at her party on Sunday afternoon! Maybe this link to their blog will put some friendly pressure on her parents to put up some pictures! =)

Happy Birthday Cute Niecie!

Thanks Mom!

My mom visited for a few days this past week and although it went too fast, it was a great time! She spent a couple days with J & J and then a couple days with us. Kaylin and T.J. loved getting to play with Gramma Darlene! Amy and I were busy packing so we appreciated all her help entertaining the kids... Plus, you can't stop her, you can only hope to contain her... she packed boxes for us too! We were so busy we didn't take pics. Mom - Maybe you can email me one of you and the kids?

Friday, January 12, 2007

Decades of Dance Moves!

I was eating lunch at home, no one else was home... so I was surfing YouTube and saw this. I think it's a classic dance routine that shows the evolution of dancing. Amy wasn't sure it was blog worthy. Give it a chance and then let us know what you thought by posting a comment!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My first seminary classes

I registered yesterday for my first semester of classes at Talbot School of Theology. I decided to go with a light load in order to ease back into being a student. I'm registered to take:

TTBE 520 - Survey of Matthew-Revelation (3 units)

Tuesdays 1:30-4:10

A general overview of the New Testament books, including selected introductory and critical issues, relevant background, major themes and divisions, and crucial problems. Required of M.Div. and M.A. students. Taught by Dr. John Hutchison

TTPT 706 - Personal Foundations of Ministry (2 units)
Wednesdays 12:30-2:20

Focused on the importance of self-understanding for spiritual and emotional well-being as well as effective ministry to hurting people, an investigation of the impact of personal and family history on theological outlook, emotional congruence, relational attractions and moral decisions. Several personal assessments as well as one or more therapy sessions are an integral part of this course. Taught by Dr. Rex Johnson

NOTE: Dr. Johnson is the professor that we got to meet through our friends Brent & Lynelle. The same weekend that I visited Talbot just after summer, we had lunch with Dr. Johnson and his wife.

Less than 2 weeks...

My last day at Mission Springs will be Friday, January 19th. I will pick up our Uhaul truck after church on Sunday the 21st and we're planning to drive away in the early morning hours of Tuesday the 23rd. We will be moving in with Amy's sister DeeDee and her family for a brief transition time. That will allow me to continue looking for work and us to look for housing without the time pressure of needing to move in immediately.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Flea, Fly, Flo!

To sell or not to sell...
To move it or lose it...
To pack it or chuck it...

Those are the questions we have been considering the last few days. Today, we answered those questions by going to the Santa Cruz Flea Market. With the help our our friends (and my co-workers) Sharon and Terry, we took a LOT of our stuff to the flea dark and early this morning. We go up at 5:30 and Sharon came over to spend the morning with Kaylin. Terrry went with us to the flea to help us set up and survive the initial RUSH of interested customers.

Here's Amy & Terry in our space AFTER the initial busy rush...

When we drove away this morning, this Mission Springs truck was full to the top of the rack with our stuff and we filled up our minivan. When we came back home, we only had two boxes to take to Goodwill!

Between our garage sale a couple months ago, selling some items on recently, and today's flea market adventure, we trimmed our stuff and made over $900 that will help greatly with moving expenses, housing deposits, school fees, etc.

Both Amy and I can be pack rats at times, but we also have times of desiring to live more simply. In the past few months as we've sorted through areas of our house, we've realized how easy it is to accumulate STUFF that we really don't need or use. Someone else might be able to use it more... toward the end of our day we started giving away all that was left. While we need to be good stewards of the resources God has given us, we also don't need to rely on material things. We've been so blessed throughout our marriage to watch God provide for our needs again and again. This sale was just another way that He's giving us what we need during this transition time!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

No Human Interaction...

A couple weeks ago while we were staying with Amy's parents, I was sent to the grocery story around the corner. Amy needed some more eggs for her annual Christmas eve deviled eggs. Anyway, the store had a self-checkout lane with no wait... so having never done so before, I tried it out. It was easy enough, especially since I only had 2 items. But I never interacted with a human and I paid the same price for less service. Hmmmm.....

Self checkout, a good thing or not so much?

Monday, January 01, 2007

Some Progress...

Just a few hours after hosting a small New Year's Eve party last night and then a New Year's Day brunch this morning, our house is in a state of disarray! However, it's that way because we did make some good progress on getting organized to move. Amy worked hard to trim down, sort and pack some of our stuff. I spent a good part of the day listing many items on Craig's List. So here's the proof that we're starting to get ready to move:

Happy New Year from the soon-to-be Southern Cal Olsons!


Happy New Year to all our family and friends!

Our evening started with Jaron, Jenni and Avery coming over to have dinner with us. Then, later Chris and Kirsten came to hang out. The kids entertained us all until they went to bed, we snacked, we chatted, we ate, play games, snacked some more, toasted at midnight, smooched our spouse (or soon to be spouse), played more games and then called it a night just after 1:00 am. Pretty good for a group that included parents of small children! =)