Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve - "Revolution" Style

Amy and I enjoyed and were blessed by an excellent Christmas Eve service this morning at Revolution Church. Our friends Brent & Lynelle and their kids attend Revolution. Also, some of you might remember that Amy and I had lunch with a Talbot professor and his wife a couple of months ago. Brent & Lynelle introduced us to Dr. & Mrs. Johnson, who also go to church at Revolution.

Anyway, today's service and message were a good reminder to all of us that Christmas is a busy, busy time and we can be doing lots of great things, hanging out with lots of great people, planning a great Christmas celebration... but if we forget Jesus, we're missing the point! Christmas is a celebration of Christ's birth. Revolution's production provided a humorous look at what the classic nativity scene would be like / look like if we forgot to put the baby in the manger at the center.

Worship of the shepherds, by Bronzino

We all know that Jesus is the "reason for the season" (sorry for the cheesy expression =) but let's make sure that, like the nativity scene, He is the centerpiece and focal point... not just an afterthough!

Merry Christmas!

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