Saturday, September 06, 2008

Sinus Surgery Update

Thanks to all for the many thoughts and prayers sent my way on Friday and since. Dr. Jahng performed my endoscopic sinus surgery to clean out chronic sinusitis and enlarge the drainage hole from my left sinus cavity to my nose.

Surgery apparently went just fine... of course I don't remember anything between taking a couple of deep breaths from the mask and then waking up in recovery room. However, I'm told that before the doctor was done with the surgery, I sat straight up and made the move to leave the room! I guess I had to be restrained. =) Then, when I was still coming to in the recovery room, I kept wanting to sit up.

Anyway, the recovery process has been somewhat less than thrilling but I am looking forward to the relief that will come from the weeks of sinus pain and pressure I've been experiencing.

The picture below was inspired by this blog post and picture after my brother had surgery to fix a hole in his eardrum recently...


Christi said...

AWESOME picture! Glad you are at least feeling okay to blog. Praying that you feel normal super-soon.

Derek said...

yeah... well, I'm pretty much confined to my recliner... so there's Facebook, blogging and TV. Once I feel a bit better, I'm gonna have to move on to lots of school reading. =)

Jenni said...

LOve it!!! Jaron would be proud! Hope today is a bit better. :)

Jaron said...

I feel you pain!!! hopefully your recovery goes quickly.

Lori said...

Poooooor Derek! You look like you're in such pain! I hope things start feeling better soon. Hang in there!

Lori said...

I tried to post a comment and it didn't seem to work. I hope you're better soon! Hang in there.

Dones said...

Aw, man. That doesn't look like fun. I hope your family is being extra-nice to you!

Jason and Lindsay Swain said...

oh my gosh look like death. cracking me up that you posted that pic. here's to breathing easier (holding my Bass Ale in the air as I type). Might want to move up to Alaska though so you can actually breathe clean air.

Unknown said...

are you hopped on pain-killers like jaron said he was?? I know it's been a loooooonggggggg road of sinus problems. I pray this will be the end of it! love-----

Anonymous said...

I showed this to everyone at Kairos Sunday morning :)

Derek said...

great. thanks. :-/