Tuesday, September 02, 2008

My Fourth Semester @ Talbot

I started my fourth semester at Talbot last week. By the end of this semester I will be over halfway done with my Master's degree. I'm hoping/planning to graduate in May 2010.

This semester's reading load... minus one textbook.

I am really excited about the three classes I am taking this semester... I just hope I can manage the 8 units. By doing three classes now, I hope to only take two per semester (plus classes in January term and summer) the rest of the way.

My classes are:
  • An Exposition of the Pastoral Epistles... Professor Ben Shin - I'm really looking forward to this very practical study of many issues related to pastoral ministry.
  • Old Testament Survey... Dr. John Hutchison - same prof that I had for NT Survey... lookin' forward to it.
  • Theology I... Dr. Mark Saucy - Mark and his wife Bonnie are our mentor couple... this will be my first class with him as my prof. Good stuff!

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