Sunday, January 07, 2007

Flea, Fly, Flo!

To sell or not to sell...
To move it or lose it...
To pack it or chuck it...

Those are the questions we have been considering the last few days. Today, we answered those questions by going to the Santa Cruz Flea Market. With the help our our friends (and my co-workers) Sharon and Terry, we took a LOT of our stuff to the flea dark and early this morning. We go up at 5:30 and Sharon came over to spend the morning with Kaylin. Terrry went with us to the flea to help us set up and survive the initial RUSH of interested customers.

Here's Amy & Terry in our space AFTER the initial busy rush...

When we drove away this morning, this Mission Springs truck was full to the top of the rack with our stuff and we filled up our minivan. When we came back home, we only had two boxes to take to Goodwill!

Between our garage sale a couple months ago, selling some items on recently, and today's flea market adventure, we trimmed our stuff and made over $900 that will help greatly with moving expenses, housing deposits, school fees, etc.

Both Amy and I can be pack rats at times, but we also have times of desiring to live more simply. In the past few months as we've sorted through areas of our house, we've realized how easy it is to accumulate STUFF that we really don't need or use. Someone else might be able to use it more... toward the end of our day we started giving away all that was left. While we need to be good stewards of the resources God has given us, we also don't need to rely on material things. We've been so blessed throughout our marriage to watch God provide for our needs again and again. This sale was just another way that He's giving us what we need during this transition time!

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