Saturday, October 14, 2006

Garage Sale!

I hung up signs all over town and Amy posted this ad online:


Don't miss out! ***LOTS of great stuff, including baby equipment, kids stuff, books, maternity clothes, house decor, picture frames, purses, board games, videos and way too much more to list!! Come check it out for yourself!***

We teamed up with our friends Jason & Michelle and held a garage sale at their house earlier today. It was a great opportunity for us to trim down the "stuff" that accumulates. We were able to pass those things along to others who could use them and, in the process, we made almost $250 that we'll be able to put to good use. I'd guess that we were able to sell 2/3 of what we put out and then we donated the rest to Goodwill.

That was the first part of what will be a busy weekend. We're going to have dinner with some other families from our church tonight. Then, tomorrow after church we'll be driving up to my parent's house to visit with them and my grandparents who are here from South Dakota.

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