Monday, September 15, 2008

First Day of Pre-K!

Today was Kaylin's first day of Pre-K!

When we began looking at other options for Kaylin, we discovered that Leffingwell Elementary also has a unique pre-K program. Here are some snippets from the school's description of this Mainstreamed Pre-School Program: "The program is designed to provide a learning opportunity for both special needs and non-handicapped children." General education students like Kaylin "will benefit from a developmentally based pre-school experience both as participants and as role models."

What a gorgeous girl!

An excellent book that Mommy used to help prepare Kaylin for the day ahead!

This picture and the next few were taken last Friday when we got to go to a "mini open house" to see the classroom and meet her teacher. As you can see in the picture, TJ is completely at home visiting these classrooms... he acts like he'd go to school if he could. =)

Kaylin with her teacher, Mrs. Angel

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Welcome Rachel!

My cousin Rachel moved in on August 30th! In order for her to rent a room from us, we converted our playroom (actually the formal living room) into a third bedroom.

BEFORE - the kid's playroom

During Construction - Our friend HK made it all possible by putting in a legitimate but removable wall... complete with insulation and a door!

HUGE thanks to HK and others who donated labor and some materials!

AFTER - this picture is taken from the front door of the house. the new door to Rachel's room is on the left.

We still have some toy storage in the entryway and Rachel still has a large 14' x 14' room!

Kaylin painted Rachel a welcome sign!

Welcome Rachel! We love you!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Sinus Surgery Update

Thanks to all for the many thoughts and prayers sent my way on Friday and since. Dr. Jahng performed my endoscopic sinus surgery to clean out chronic sinusitis and enlarge the drainage hole from my left sinus cavity to my nose.

Surgery apparently went just fine... of course I don't remember anything between taking a couple of deep breaths from the mask and then waking up in recovery room. However, I'm told that before the doctor was done with the surgery, I sat straight up and made the move to leave the room! I guess I had to be restrained. =) Then, when I was still coming to in the recovery room, I kept wanting to sit up.

Anyway, the recovery process has been somewhat less than thrilling but I am looking forward to the relief that will come from the weeks of sinus pain and pressure I've been experiencing.

The picture below was inspired by this blog post and picture after my brother had surgery to fix a hole in his eardrum recently...

Thursday, September 04, 2008

A Change of Plans...

Well... it turns out that the best thing for Kaylin is that she go to Kindergarten next year.

Going into this school year, we knew that Kaylin was very ready academically. We also felt that she could really benefit from a learning and social experience like school, something to do outside our home. However, we also knew that because of her October birthday, she would be on the young side if she attended Kindergarten this year. We did also wonder whether or not she would be bold enough socially to tackle a highly structured and long day of school (8-2). We had thought long and hard and prayed diligently about the decision and went ahead with starting her this past Wednesday. However, after observing and talking with Kaylin, getting feedback from her teacher and principal, and further reflecting on the many advantages of her being older when she begins her schooling career (not to mention the unsettled feeling in our gut), we feel like God made it quite clear to us that the best thing for Kaylin would be to go to Kindergarten next year. We all agreed she was now fully ready academically, but we all also agreed she could really only benefit from one extra year to mature and grow in other ways.

We learned today of two different pre-K class opportunities that could give Kaylin a shorter day of school experience more suited for a kid her age. We'll keep you posted on what we decide... she will likely begin a new class in the next couple of weeks. Kaylin didn't bat an eye about not going back to school tomorrow, and she seems very excited to go to a new, shorter class.

Although the timing of all this was confusing and stressful, we are glad that we were able to make observations, get feedback and gain the information needed to do what's best for Kaylin. Thank you to the many of you who have been praying for us and her during this process... there's no question that God used those prayers to help us find peace in this new decision.

Watch for another post in a week or so titled "1st Day of Preschool!" :)

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

1st Day of Kindergarten! - part 2

After school, Kaylin was all smiles and in this picture, she AND mommy are giving the thumbs up to prove that they both survived the day! =)

TJ had a big hug ready for his "sissy." We think he's gonna miss his entertainer in the mornings... and we know mommy is gonna miss Kaylin entertaining him.

To celebrate, Kaylin (and TJ) got to get a treat at Golden Spoon with mommy and Bonnie and Josh.

Yummy! What a big kindergartner!

So far, so good... we're excited for our first kid in school! I loved coming home and getting to hear her tell me all about her day.

Thanks to all for praying for Kaylin!

1st Day of Kindergarten! - part 1

Here's the Kindergarten drop-off coverage... more later today!

Siblings on 1st day of school for Kaylin

Kaylin just before heading over to meet her teacher and classmates!

Newsflash: Long story short... we learned just yesterday afternoon that Kaylin's best option might be to switch into a full day (8am to 2pm) class instead... after lots of discussion and prayer, Amy and I decided to have her go for it.

Here's her desk... all ready for her. Please pray for her these first days of school... she's tall but definitely among the youngest kids in her class. Please pray that she'll adjust well, get used to the routine, and make new friends!

Things were going pretty smoothly until she and the other kids went to "carpet time" for a story. Her teacher read a story while all the parents stood around and watched. However, Kaylin started getting sad after being separated from us... not surprising knowing Kaylin's personality... she's a bit timid and shy at first, needing some extra time and encouragement.

Here's Amy helping her get back to the carpet as the parents begin to leave. With encouragement from us and her teacher, she went back (though still hesitant) and began to watch what her teacher was doing. We smiled and waved and made our move and got out the door.

Then, we stood down the corridor for a few minutes recovering and praying for her. Then we would periodically sneak back for peeks into her classroom. She seemed to be doing fine as her teacher continued to engage the class. From observing Kaylin in the past, we are pretty confident that she'll be fine once she gets more comfortable, gets into the routine, and makes some new friends.

More later today....

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

2 Prayer Requests

#1 - I am having sinus surgery at noon on Friday. I'm not excited about the procedure and the recovery but am looking forward to getting some relief after a lifetime of sinus problems and an extended sinus infection these past four months. The surgery isn't a miracle cure... but will clear up this current infection and could improve my ability to deal with allergies and colds in the future.

#2 - Kaylin's FIRST day of Kindergarten is tomorrow! We can't believe it! She seems excited and knows what to expect. We'll see soon enough how she (and her mom) handles it. Plus, we'll have pictures posted soon!

My Fourth Semester @ Talbot

I started my fourth semester at Talbot last week. By the end of this semester I will be over halfway done with my Master's degree. I'm hoping/planning to graduate in May 2010.

This semester's reading load... minus one textbook.

I am really excited about the three classes I am taking this semester... I just hope I can manage the 8 units. By doing three classes now, I hope to only take two per semester (plus classes in January term and summer) the rest of the way.

My classes are:
  • An Exposition of the Pastoral Epistles... Professor Ben Shin - I'm really looking forward to this very practical study of many issues related to pastoral ministry.
  • Old Testament Survey... Dr. John Hutchison - same prof that I had for NT Survey... lookin' forward to it.
  • Theology I... Dr. Mark Saucy - Mark and his wife Bonnie are our mentor couple... this will be my first class with him as my prof. Good stuff!

Disneyland with the Kurtz family!

While the Kurtz family was vacationing in SoCal, we are so glad they came to stay with us a couple of nights! We'd only gotten to see Christie and the kids when we were in Santa Cruz and that was only briefly... so it was good to get some fun time with their whole family!

Kurtz family waiting for the parade. Caden is asleep but I didn't have any other pics of the whole family. =)

I think Jeff and I were trying to act scared of the monsters from the Monsters Inc. ride... but the kids didn't really seem to follow along....

The Olsons getting to meet Woody!

What a joke! The Olsons don't have cable TV... we don't even really know who Handy Manny is! OK, well, I guess we did see him in the Disney Playhouse live show.

The obligatory "O" family picture!

Daddy-Daughter Disneyland Date!

California Adventure's "Golden Gate Bridge" behind us

My princess wasn't really sure about the Jungle Cruise. =) Apparently, neither was the woman in the background.

Amy saw this pic and called Kaylin "Princess Ragamuffin." I guess that's my fault though... when Daddy and daughter leave the house at 7:30 in the morning for a quick 3 hour Disney adventure... why would Daddy do the princess' hair all fancy?

Congrats Jason & Barbara!

Back on 8-8-08, we enjoyed yet another wedding! Jason and Barbara, two of the young adults that are active in the ministry Amy and I serve at our church, got married and Kaylin got to be the flower girl. I had the privilege of welcoming everyone and opening in prayer during the ceremony. CONGRATS Barbara & Jason... we wish you God's best throughout your marriage and we look forward to sharing in more fun times together!

Flower Girl Kaylin

The flutist married the bass player!

Congrats Holly & Andrew!

While we were in Santa Cruz, we had the privilege of witnessing Holly & Andrew's wedding! What a joy... we are so happy for them! Big congrats to you both... may God bless you richly as you begin the adventure of married life!