Thursday, March 27, 2008

Kaylins FIRST Movie Theater Experience!

While we were in Pittsburg visiting my parents, Amy and I got to take Kaylin to her first movie in the theater! Kaylin saw the beginning and the end... but fell asleep for the middle third of the movie! =) I guess Mommy and Daddy should have know that a 1:50 p.m. showing on a day when she'd been up early and playing hard might not work so well... Oh well! Kaylin still enjoyed the experience and, of course, it's just her first of many movies to come.

We saw Horton Hears A Who! Click here for the trailer

Here is Kaylin in her seat with her "Snack Pack" (Thanks Grams!)

Kaylin and Mommy ready for the movie to start!

Daddy and Kaylin in front of the theater

1 comment:

Christi said...

Jeff took Max and Caden to see that last weekend while I took Milo shopping. They loved it and I loved my "free time"!