Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Trevor Loves Super Heroes!

Here's Trevor talking and singing about all his favorite super heroes. The best sequence in the video is him talking about the Hulk starting at about the 0:45 mark...


Ryan said...

That kid knows how to make an exit! Sing 'em a song and leave 'em beggin' for more, that's what I say.

Jenni said...

I love the "He's a little bit angry" part!! He is awesome! Love that little boy!

Diane Massey said...

That's PRICELESS! I loved it! You'll have to save it FOREVER!!!

KGoth said...

Wow, how does he know all the songs for these super heroes?
I like the "little bit angry" part, too. Apparently, it's more cool to turn big and green than it is scary.

Lori said...

OMG!!! That is soooooo cute! That Trevor is really something! That is Youtube worthy, I think.

Aunt Debbie said...

I remember when Trevor's dad was a real Superman fan...must have inherited the gene:) Aunt Debbie