Monday, January 26, 2009

40 units down... 26 to go...

I continue to love my classes and continue to feel blessed that I'm able to take classes while working in a great ministry position! Here's the latest on my educational pursuits....

Last Thursday I finished my 3-week intensive January term class, Theology II. I have now completed 40 units toward my 66-unit Master's degree in Biblical & Theological Studies.

The spring semester started today and I am taking three classes totaling nine units, the most units I've ever taken at one time! I think it's going to be great though. I'm looking forward to the subject matter and one is an indepedent study so I think the workload should be manageable. Here are the classes I'm taking and the now traditional photo of my reading load for the semester:

Theology IV - Ecclesiology and Eschatology - Dr. Robert Saucy (Distinguished Professor of Theology, has taught at Talbot for 42 years)

Cults of America - Dr. Kevin Lewis

Church Growth & Church Planting (Independent Study) - Dr. Gary McIntosh


Christi said...

BORING! I am so kidding...actually things keep coming up in my daily life that relate to that 10 minute discussion we had and I think of what a cool pastor you are, spurring people on to think about good stuff. Have a great semester!

Ryan said...

Wow, those texts look entirely too practical for me. Give me straight up Reformation Theology anytime, but a book on how to plant a fast growing church? I would seriously struggle. God bless you for being a do-er, Derek, and best of luck through these courses.

Derek said...

Thanks Christi! I appreciate your encouragement. =)

And thanks Ryan! I am a bit wary though of the church growth stuff I am required to read for that class. Much of the church growth movement is God-honoring efforts to expand the kingdom of God, but I worry that some of it is contrived methodology that steals sheep from other churches rather than serving and caring for those who don’t yet know Jesus.

Jenni said...

That reading load is insane! Good luck with all of that. :) You rock!