Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Toe Flower!

The other night we had a "picnic" dinner on the floor of our living room. For some reason Kaylin was being quite silly and giggly so we said something about that to her and she replied, "I'm just whacked out today. Don't worry about me." That's when I grabbed the camera and started rolling... eventually there's a story about toes... =)


Christi said...

I love it. I get in that mood sometimes too, Kaylin.

Ryan said...

Wow. That is truly impressive stream of consciousness.

Michelle said...

That is hilarious, made me smile hearing her sweet giggle, love it! Isn't it funny to hear what their minds think about??

Ginny said...

She is the cutest thing ever!!! So adorable! :)

Diane Massey said...

Now that's a video to treasure FOREVER. I couldn't stop smiling. She's soooo adorable.

Anonymous said...

The best part is I think SHE'S the most amused of all!

Jenni said...

Love it! :)