Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Praise the Lord... Good News!

We're all home! Trevor was released from the NICU earlier this evening. The results of his last test came back and everything looks good... still nothing serious, just the conjunctivitis and a cold. So we've got eye drops to finish clearing that up.

Here we are with Trevor's nurse Kris right before leaving the NICU.

Now that this is all over, we also want to share that we also faced a very troubling, alarming situation while Trevor was in the NICU. It was a health scare unrelated to Trevor... perhaps I'll post the story in the next couple of days. However, when it was all said and done, it was a false alarm... Praise the Lord! But that information came after we were forced to process a VERY stressful scenario.

First and foremost, for being with us through it all, we give praise to Jesus... Thanks be to God! But we also certainly appreciate the love, concern, support, and prayers offered by all of our dear friends and family!


Anonymous said...

That's such great news!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy about all of your good news!! We love all four of you and have been praying so much over the last few days. I'm glad you guys get to start fresh today.