Olson Family Travel Services!
Who needs Expedia, Travelocity or Orbitz?
You can make your travel arrangements through Olson Family Travel Services!
You can make your travel arrangements through Olson Family Travel Services!
We'll post more details on this soon! Plus, we might email you more information... but until then, here's the quick version:
Do you ever use the internet for...
- buying airline tickets?
- booking a cruise?
- renting a car?
- reserving a hotel room?
- planning your vacation?
- ordering flowers?
- getting concert/sporting event tickets?
We thought so! Please check out www.olsonfamilytravel.com ...and be sure to bookmark it for future reference!
Using our state-of-the-art website and travel search engine, you'll have access to the sames flights, the same hotel rooms, the same cabins on the cruise ships, etc. Plus, most likely our prices will be the same as or cheaper than other online travel sites. If you find that to be true, who would you rather have benefit from your purchase... those huge companies or... the Olson family! =)
So there you go... an easy way for you to support our seminary and ministry endeavors! You're gonna make those travel plans somehow and you're gonna spend the money somewhere. Why not go through Olson Family Travel? And please, spread the word! If you have friends or family members that travel frequently, please send them to olsonfamilytravel.com
Or... if you're interested in owning your own online travel business, check out this website to learn more about YTB. You can be a travel industry "insider," getting better deals than ever on your own vacations. Plus, you can earn commissions when friends and family members book their travel through your site!