Friday, June 29, 2007

Summer Fun!

Kaylin on a roller coaster at a local carnival!

Kaylin working on a craft during Vacation Bible School this week

My uncle Dana, Aunt Christa and cousin Anna were in SoCal for the Baptist General Conference annual meeting. We enjoyed a quick visit with them over pizza!

Kaylin, Trevor and cousin Avery enjoy some time in the pool. Jaron, Jenni and Avery are in SoCal for a National Athletic Trainer's Association conference.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Exciting New Ministry!

One of the biggest reasons why Amy and I really enjoyed serving at camp was getting to hang out with the high school and college age staff! It was a joy to watch God use and work through those awesome people as they loved on campers. Plus, we just enjoyed living life alongside them each summer, inviting them into our home and getting to know them as best we could.

Now, we are incredibily excited because God has given us a new opportunity to hang out with and serve college-age students. Just this morning, I accepted a position as Pastor to College/Career/Young Adults/18-25 year-olds (no, that's not my title, I'm just trying to describe the ministry =) at Granada Heights Friends Church in La Mirada, CA.

The church is located just over a mile from the Biola campus so it will be easy for me to intertwine this new role along with my job in the Dean's office and my seminary studies.

More info and news will be coming soon... stay tuned!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Catching up on posting pictures...

Trevor learning how to feed himself... sort of!

Kaylin, T.J. and friend Erik making PB&J sandwiches

Trevor and Grampa

Kaylin at the Beach

Trevor "wallowing" at the beach

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Basketball Obsession!

This video goes out to Big Papa...

With almost zero encouragement from me, T.J. is obsessed with basketball! My dad, T.J.'s "Big Papa," noticed this a few weeks ago. Whenever he sees a ball or a hoop, he starts shrieking excitedly and plays until we are forced to take him back inside.

Oh, and thanks to the video, you'll see that he's walking now! In the busyness of life and moving these past few weeks, we hadn't yet blogged about this big-time, 1-year old walking skills.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

We Moved!

The Olson family has moved to Cypress, CA! We are now about 15 min. from Talbot/Biola and about 15 min. from family in Long Beach... so it's a good spot. Plus, Amy lived in Cypress growing up so it's familiar territory and a nice area.

We are praising God for the many ways that He continues to provide for our needs! As we were talking with the landlord prior to renting the place, Amy shared about our current situation and that I'm a seminary student. They ended up knocking $100 per month off the rent because in his words, I am "a man of the church." Yet another way that God has moved in the hearts of people to provide for us during this transition!

We'll send a mass email with our new address sometime soon.

This is our new home!

Our place is the right side of this triplex.

This is also a good opportunity for us to publicly say how thankful we are to the Nations family for having us in their home for four months. We love and appreciate their tremendous generosity in giving us a great transition housing situation! Thanks Steve, DeeDee, Dylan and Danny. We love you!