Thursday, September 28, 2006

5 months old!

Trevor John is 5 months old today. Yep, another month gone by already...we can hardly believe it! He is so much fun, such a smily boy! He LOVES his big sister, Kaylin. She makes him giggle all the time by playing peek-a-boo, tickling him, giving him kisses, etc. Today I've been asking him, "Where's sissy?" or "Where's Kaylin?" and alot of times he looks over at her! Not sure if this is a coincidence or intentional, but either way it's cute! Trevor is now sleeping in his crib in his own room...still not a super sleeper, but he's definitely improving with age. His current favorite activities are blowing raspberries, playing in his exersaucer (fun to watch him using his hands!), listening to sissy read books, and nursing (of course!! :). This past month he started being able to roll over from his tummy to back. He's truly a CUTE boy!!!


Anonymous said...

Such a cute little guy! I can't believe he is already 5 months old and I haven't met him yet.

Anonymous said...

He is so big and so cute. It seems like he was just born yesterday! :) DeeDee

Diane Massey said...

What a BIG boy! Can't wait to see him soon!
Love, Grammy & Grampa